Monday, November 17, 2014

SQL Server : Important Commands for SQL Server DBA

--To check for Blocked Processes:
--To find all the log files and the percentage space used of those log files in an instance:
dbcc sqlperf (logspace)  
--To list all the files and their details in a particular database:
exec sp_helpfile
--To list all the databases and their details in a instance:
exec sp_helpdb
--To shrink a database file without specifying target size(preferred for log files):
dbcc shrinkfile(fileid)
--To shrink a database file with specifying target size(preferred for datafiles):
dbcc shrinkfile(fileid,target_size)
--To find the details about locks currently held by the processes:
exec sp_lock
--To find all the drive spaces through MS SQL:
EXEC master..xp_fixeddrives
--To put the database in single user mode at command prompt:
sqlservr.exe –m
--To put the database in Minimal mode at command prompt:
sqlservr.exe –f         -->  -c  for console applications
--To find out the Database ID?
 Select db_id ('db_name')
--To find out logins:
select * from sys.syslogins
--To find out current user:
Select current_user
--Short cut for MS SQL Server Management studio:
--To check the service pack at product level:
select serverproperty ('machinename')
SELECT  SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY ('edition')
--To check the open transactions :
dbcc opentran('dbname')
--To find MS SQL Server product level details:
exec master..xp_msver
--To find the details of current processes running like percent completed:
select * from sys.dm_exec_requests
--To find the longest running queries
select * from sys.dm_exec_query_stats
--Command to find the free space and used space :
select * from dbo.sysfiles
--To check load in server and database and files:
select * from sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats(database id,file id)
--To find the longest running queries
select * from sys.dm_exec_sql_text
--To find Orphan login:
--To find orphaned users
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Report'
--To map users to logins
exec sp_change_users_login @Action='update_one', @UserNamePattern='<database_user>', @LoginName='<login_name>'
--If you already have a login id and password for this user, fix it by doing:
exec sp_change_users_login 'Auto_Fix', 'user'
--To delete login:
exec sp_revokelogin 'USERX'
--To list all the objects owned by user id:
Select name from sysobjects where uid=user_id('user')
--To enable ‘show advanced options’ for server configuration options:
exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
--To enable particlar server configuration option:
exec sp_configure 'option name', 1
--To find performnce related stastictics:
select * from sys.dm_os_performance_counters
--To find the information about indexes on tables and views.
select * from sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats
--To find out all of the users who are connected to the database server:
select * from sys.dm_exec_sessions
--To display the error log using the query:
--To display error log archive numbers and their dates:
exec sp_enumerrorlogs
--To view no. of traces running.
SELECT count(*) FROM :: fn_trace_getinfo(default) WHERE property = 5 and value = 1
--To find details about the traces which are running.
SELECT * FROM :: fn_trace_getinfo(default)
--To terminate a trace
EXEC sp_trace_setstatus 1, @status = 0 / @status=2
--To know the Space used bye Data,index in particular Database:
--To know  the DB status of particular Database:
--To view jobs which failed at last run:
 sysjobactivity, sysjobschedules, msdb.dbo.sysjobservers, msdb.dbo.sysjobs
--To check pages of table :
Dbcc ind('dbname','tablename',-1)
--To check pages contents
dbcc trace on(3604)  dbcc page('dbname',fid,pid,1)              -- F:File  P:page
--To set maximum connections.
exec SP_Configure
--To find no.of connections.
SELECT COUNT(dbid) as TotalConnections FROM sys.sysprocesses WHERE dbid > 0
--If log file is full,To find out reason.
Select name,log_reuse_wait_desc  from sys.databases

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Monday, August 4, 2014

SQL Server - How to resolve TempDB get FULL issue.

Please find the complete details to troubleshooting and resolving If the TempDB database get full:-

 Description: The LOG FILE FOR DATABASE 'tempdb' IS FULL.

 Reason for temp DB full.
 1. Heavy transaction activity
 2. Due to maintenance job (Index fragmentation etc)
 3. Due to inventory closing or any other such type activity
 4. Mount Drive\ Volume does not have sufficient space to grow temp db log files.
 5. Auto growth is not enable in tempdb
 6. Bulk Operation

 How to check if TempDB database get FULL :-

--Log space usage
dbcc sqlperf(logspace)
 --Open Tran
dbcc opentran(tempdb)
-- VLF (Virtual Log File)
  use tempdb
  dbcc loginfo()

 Status - 2 (active log)
 Status - 0 (Inactive Log)
  •  To truncate or shrink the log file there should be continuous inactive log.
1. Simple and effective solution is to re-start the SQL server but in production environment we do not have privilege to restart the SQL services.
 2. We can use below quires to shrink the log file -
    dbcc shrinkfile (templog, 0)

 3. Create new log file in some other volume and cab the existing one to stop the auto growth.
 4. Perform failover if it’s in cluster if shrinking will not resolve the issue and we have necessary approvals from business.

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SQL Server- How many IP Addresses used in SQL Server Clustering?

  • 2 IP for heartbeat network (1 per node)

  • 2 IP for public network (1 per node)

  • 1 IP for Windows Cluster.

  • 2 IP for SQL Server Virtual Network Name (SQL instance on each node)

  • 1 IP for MSDTC (this is optional however required if you use distributed transaction like linked server)

For Single Instance single cluster ( active/passive)
In above instead of two you will only need one IP address for SQL Server virtual network name.

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Thursday, July 24, 2014

SQL Server: Everything about SQL Server Database Mirroring step by step and all Question and Answer of SQL Server Database mirroring

SQL Server: Everything about SQL Server Database Mirroring step by step and all Question and Answer of SQL Server Database mirroring.

Friends believe me it’s very easy and anybody can create the mirroring and work on it.

For testing I am creating mirroring on using single computer.

We need following stuff to configure mirroring in SQL Server 2008:-
1     .      Principle Server – It’s the server where our main primary database available.
2     .      Mirror Server – It’s the server where we have to transfer the data.
3     .      Witness Server – It’s the server which responsible for automatic FAILOVER.
4     .      Service account- We can use default SA account credential for this
5     .      SQL Agent- It should be running mode on both instance.

For above 3 server means need 3 instance of SQL server. In my case these are the server name-
1.      Principle Server  Name-  JAIMATADI
2.      Mirror Server Name – JAIMATADI\MSSQLSERVER_2
3.      Witness Server Name- its optional server. Show that I am not using witness server. It this case data loss may be happen. So for best practice we should use witness server.
Step1:- Connect to Principle Server JAIMATADI and Mirror Server JAIMATADI\MSSQLSERVER_2 with service account(In our case we are using SA account) 

 Please see below-

Step2:- Now we have to take 2 backup Full and transactional on principle server(JAIMATADI) to restore on Mirror server(JAIMATADI\MSSQLSERVER_2).

To take the backup we can you below query or wizard option.

  1.      Full backup-  Using below query we can take the full backup-

BACKUP DATABASE [MirroringDB] TO  DISK = N'E:\MirroringDB_Full_Backup.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT,  NAME = N'MirroringDB-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10
declare @backupSetId as int
select @backupSetId = position from msdb..backupset where database_name=N'MirroringDB' and backup_set_id=(select max(backup_set_id) from msdb..backupset where database_name=N'MirroringDB' )
if @backupSetId is null begin raiserror(N'Verify failed. Backup information for database ''MirroringDB'' not found.', 16, 1) end


You can use below simple step:-

Rigth click on database -->Task --> Baclup --> Add --> choose the location ('E:\MirroringDB_Full_Backup.bak') and backup type: select FULL

2. Transactional backup- Using below query we can take the Tlog  backup

BACKUP LOG [MirroringDB] TO  DISK = N'E:\MirroringDB_Tlog_backup.Bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT,  NAME = N'MirroringDB-Transaction Log  Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10
declare @backupSetId as int
select @backupSetId = position from msdb..backupset where database_name=N'MirroringDB' and backup_set_id=(select max(backup_set_id) from msdb..backupset where database_name=N'MirroringDB' )
if @backupSetId is null begin raiserror(N'Verify failed. Backup information for database ''MirroringDB'' not found.', 16, 1) end


You can use below simple step:-
Rigth click on database --> Task --> Backup --> Add --> choose the location ('E:\MirroringDB_Full_Backup.bak') and backup type: select as Transactional log

Step3:- Using step2 now we have backup  file. Now we will restore the backup on Mirror server. To restore we can use below query or wizard option. See below- 

1   1    Restoring  Full backup with NORECOVERY  option
RESTORE DATABASE [MirroringDB] FROM  DISK = N'E:\MirroringDB_Full_Backup.bak' WITH  FILE = 1,  NORECOVERY,  NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10


You can use below simple step:-
Right click on database in object explorer --> restore database.. --> In General Tab -->give name of DB To database: MirroringDB --> Select file from device option (N'E:\MirroringDB_Full_Backup.bak') --> Go to options Tab in Same wizard and select NO RECOVERY option.
2   2 Resotoring transactional log backup with NORECOVERY option

RESTORE LOG [MirroringDB] FROM  DISK = N'E:\MirroringDB_Tlog_backup.Bak' WITH  FILE = 1,  NORECOVERY,  NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10


You can use below simple step:-
Right click on database in object explorer --> restore database.. --> In General Tab --> give name of DB To database: MirroringDB --> Select file from device option (N'E:\MirroringDB_Tlog_backup.Bak) --> Go to options Tab in Same wizard and select NO RECOVERY option.

Step 4:- Now refresh the both  SQL Server instance. We will get same database in both server(principle and mirror server) see below-

Step 5:- Now we can start the mirroring configuration- Please follow below simple steps and see screen shot.

 Right click on MirroingDB database on principle server --> Task --> Mirror --> click on Configure Security button. We will get below screen and click next --> click on No radio button --> Next --> select Mirror server in drop down and Click on Connect button --> Login into mirror server --> Next --> Next --> Finish --> Close --> Click on Start Mirroing button --> Click on Yes -->Now you can see the Mirror is done --> Refresh both SQL server instance and see the MirroringDB database.


Step 6:- Using Failover option you can change the mirroring. See below option.

Open database properties on primciple server --> click on Mirroring tab --> click on Failover button --> Click Yes --> refresh the SQL Server Instance and see the change.

We can also change the Operation mode High Safety mode (Synchronous) to High performance mode (Asynchronous)
We can also Pause the mirroring using Pause button.

All Question and Answer of SQL Server Database Mirroring

1)     What is Database Mirroring? What are the benefits of that?
Database mirroring is an option to improve the availability of a databases which supports automatic failover with no loss of data. This is new feature in 2005.
a)   Increases data protection
b)  Increases availability of a database
c)   Improves the availability of the production database during upgrades

2)     What are the prerequisites for Database Mirroring?
a)      Both Servers are requires same edition either Standard Edition or Enterprise Edition.
b)     If Witness server configured, the server should be installed Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition, Workgroup Edition, or Express Edition.
c)      All Servers should use the same master code page and collation.
d)     Mirror Server has same database name and use only With NoRecovery option.
e)      Mirroring uses the full recovery model. (Simple and bulk-logged not supported)
f)       All logins for connecting Principal Database should be reside on Mirror database

3)     What are the Restrictions for Database Mirroring?
a)   Maximum 10 databases per instance can support on a 32-bit system.
b)  Database mirroring is not supported with either cross-database transactions or distributed transactions.

4)     Explain about Principal, Mirror and Witness Servers?
1)     Principal Server:-  One Server serves the database to client is called Principal server and it having original data. Can have only one Principal Server and it has to be on a separate server.
2)     Mirror Server:- Other server instance acts as a hot or warm standby server is called Mirror server and it having copy of database.
3)     Witness Server:- The witness server is an optional server and it controls automatic failover to the mirror if the principal becomes unavailable. To support automatic failover, a database mirroring session must be configured in high-availability.

5)     In which Operations are running the Operating Modes?
Asynchronous:- Under asynchronous operation, the Principal server does not wait for a response from the mirror server after sending the log buffer.
Synchronous:- Under synchronous operation, the Principal server sends the log buffer to the mirror server, and then waits for a response from the mirror server.

6)     What are the Operating Modes and explain them?
a.       High Availability:- High-availability mode, runs synchronously. Requires a Witness Server instance. The Principal server sends the log buffer to the mirror server, and then waits for a response from the mirror server.
b.       High Protection:- High-protection mode, runs synchronously. Always commit changes at both the Principal and Mirror.
c.       High Performance:- High-performance mode, runs asynchronously and the transaction safety set to off. The Principal server does not wait for a response from the mirror server after sending the log buffer. The principal server running nice and fast, but could lose data on the mirror server.

7)     What is End Point? How u create end point?
An endpoint is a network protocol which is used to communicate Principal, Mirror and Witness servers over the network.
Creation of an end point:-
Create endpoint <endpoint name> State=started/stopped/disabled
as tcp (listener port=5022/5023) for database_mirroring (role=partner/witness)

8)     What is the default of end points (port numbers) of principal, mirror and witness servers? How to find the Port numbers?
The default port numbers of principal, mirror and Witness servers are 5022, 5023 and 5024.
To Find Port Number:- SELECT name, port FROM sys.tcp_endpoints

9)     Which Trace flag is used in Mirroring?
Trace flags are used to temporarily set specific server characteristics or to switch off/on a particular behavior. 1400 Trace flag is used in mirroring.
To set trace flag for Database mirroring:- Configuration Manager > Right click on server instance > Properties > Advanced tab > Startup parameters > -t1400 (add)

10)In which Recovery model we can use in Mirroring?
In mirroring the principal and mirror databases are used only full recovery model

11)What is Role-switching?
Inter changing of roles like principal and mirror are called role switching.

12)What is the syntax to stop the Database Mirroring?
T_SQL:- Alter database <database name> set partner off
GUI:- SSMS:- > Click on Principal database > Task > Mirror > Remove mirroring

13) How to failover the mirror database manually?
T_SQL:- Alter database <database name> SET PARTNER FAILOVER (Do on principal database)
GUI:- SSMS:- > Click on Principal database > Task > Mirror > Failover

14)How to configure Mirroring?
a)   Choose Principal Server, Mirror Server, and optional Witness server.
b)  The principal and mirror server instances must be running the same edition either Standard Edition or Enterprise Edition
c)   The Witness server instance can run on SQL Server Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition, Workgroup Edition, or Express Edition
d)  Mirror database requires restoring a recent backup and one or more T.log backups of the principal database (with Norecovery)

15)How to monitoring Mirroring?
There are six methods are available for monitoring the Database Mirroring
a)   Database Mirroring Monitor:- Database Mirroring Monitor is a GUI tool that shows update status and to configure warning thresholds.
To open DM Monitor:- Right click on Principal Database > Tasks > Select Launch Database Mirroring Monitor.
b)  SQL Server Management Studio:- A green arrow on the mirror server is indicates running well. A red arrow indicates problems that need to investigate.
c)   SQL Server Log:- It provides information of Mirroring establishment and status. If any errors occurs it will be logged to SQL Server log and Windows event log.
d)  Performance Monitor:- It can provides real-time information about Database mirroring. We can use performance counters to get status of the database mirroring such as Bytes received/sec, Bytes sent/sec, Transaction delay etc.
e)   Profiler:- Profiler many events are providing the status of the Database mirroring
f)    System Stored Procedures:-
·         sp_dbmmonitoraddmonitoring
·         sp_dbmmonitorchangemonitoring
·         sp_dbmmonitorhelpmonitoring
·         sp_dbmmonitordropmonitoring

16)What is Hardening?
As quickly as possible, the log buffer is written to the transaction log on disk, a process called hardening.

17)What is Log buffer?
A log buffer is a special location in memory (RAM). SQL Server stores the changes in the database’s log buffer.
18)How to Set a Witness Server to Database Mirroring?
SSMS:- Right Click on Principal Database > Tasks > Mirror > Click on Configure Security > Provide the End point for Witness server > Click oK
T-SQL:- ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks SET WITNESS = 'TCP://prasad.local:5024' (Do this from the Principal Server)

19)How to Remove a Witness Server from Database Mirroring?
SSMS:- Right Click on Principal Database > Tasks > Mirror > Remove TCP address from the Witness > Click oK

20)How to Setup Fully Qualified Names for Database Mirroring?
I. FQDN Error
One or more of the server network addresses lacks a fully qualified domain name (FQDN).  Specify the FQDN for each server, and click Start Mirroring again.

The syntax for a fully-qualified TCP address is:




v  To View Endpoints:-SELECT * FROM sys.database_mirroring_endpoints;
v  Remove existing all Endpoints from Principal, Mirror and Witness servers :- DROP ENDPOINT [ENDPOINT_NAME]
v  Adding "local" as the primary DNS suffix as follows:-
1)     Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties. The System Properties dialog box will appear.
2)     Click the Computer Name tab.
3)     Click Change. The Computer Name Changes dialog box will appear.
4)     Click More. The DNS Suffix and NetBIOS Computer Name dialog box will appear.
5)     Enter the appropriate DNS suffix for the domain.
6)     Enable “Change primary DNS suffix when domain membership changes” check box.
7)     Click OK to save the changes, and then click OK to exit the Computer Name Changes dialog box.
8)     Click OK to close the System Properties dialog box, and then restart the computer for the change to take effect.

v  Reconfigure the Database mirroring either GUI or T-SQL

21)What are the Database Mirroring states?
The contents of the mirror database are lagging behind the contents of the principal database. The principal server is sending log records to the mirror server, which is applying the changes to the mirror database to roll it forward.
At the start of a database mirroring session, the database is in the SYNCHRONIZING state. The principal server is serving the database, and the mirror is trying to catch up.

When the mirror server becomes sufficiently caught up to the principal server, the mirroring state changes to SYNCHRONIZED. The database remains in this state as long as the principal server continues to send changes to the mirror server and the mirror server continues to apply changes to the mirror database.
If transaction safety is set to FULL, automatic failover and manual failover are both supported in the SYNCHRONIZED state, there is no data loss after a failover.
If transaction safety is off, some data loss is always possible, even in the SYNCHRONIZED state.

The mirror copy of the database is not available. The principal database is running without sending any logs to the mirror server, a condition known as running exposed. This is the state after a failover.
          A session can also become SUSPENDED as a result of redo errors or if the administrator pauses the session
          SUSPENDED is a persistent state that survives partner shutdowns and startups.
          This state is found only on the principal server after a failover has begun, but the server has not transitioned into the mirror role.
          When the failover is initiated, the principal database goes into the PENDING_FAILOVER state, quickly terminates any user connections, and takes over the mirror role soon thereafter.
          The partner has lost communication with the other partner

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